Google Digital Unlocked Lesson 5-8

Lesson 5 Get started with search

1) Why are search engines a great place for a business to be found?

  • People pay to use search engines, so there is a wealthy customer base there
  • People who search are actively looking for information, products or services
  • Search engines are a big trend these days
  • Search engines guarantee new customers

2)What technology do search engines use to ‘crawl’ websites?

  • Androids
  • Interns
  • Automatons
  • Bots

Which of the following can help a search engine understand what your page is about?

  • The date it was published
  • The number of images used
  • The total number of words
  • The title tag

Fill in the blank: Spending money on search advertising influences how your website appears in ___________.

  • Organic search results
  • The search results page
  • Business directories
  • Display advertising networks

Which of these is an important factor in the paid search auction system?

  • How famous your brand name is
  • How cool your logo is
  • How long your business has been around
  • How relevant your ads are

Which of these can Google Search Console help you to do?

  • It helps you increase your social media following
  • It helps you optimise your Google My Business listing
  • It helps you understand which keywords people are searching for on Google
  • It helps you run A/B tests on your home page

Lesson 6 Get discovered with search


1)Which of the following factors should you consider when optimizing your website for search engines?

  • Color scheme
  • Recycled content
  • Inspiring business name
  • Site popularity

2)What should be the first step of a structured SEO plan?

  • Identifying your ad budget
  • Buying an analytics software
  • Setting up your presence on social media sites
  • Keyword research

3)When it comes to search ads, which of the following could dictate how an ad will perform against a competitor?

  • Social media following
  • Bid value
  • Domain authority
  • Average number of visitors to the company’s website

4)Fill in the blank: Short strings of specific keywords with low search volume are called ___________.

  • Long-hair keywords
  • Long-tail keywords
  • High-relevance keywords
  • Top-tail keywords

5)Which of the following would be an ideal goal for an SEO plan?

  • Increasing social media likes and follows
  • Increasing how many relevant people visit your website
  • Showing your website to as many people as possible
  • Being in first place in SERP for any keyword

Lesson 7 Make search work for you


1)Which of the following page titles would be most suitable for a website page describing a store’s return policy?

  • How to Send Stuff Back
  • [Company Name’s] Return Policy
  • Return Policy
  • Company Policies

2)Which of the following is a good way to get other websites to link to your site?

  • Keep linking to them until they link to you
  • Send them emails until they link to you
  • Building relationships with similar sites
  • Use as many relevant keywords on the page you’d like them to link to

3)When expanding a business internationally, which of the following is most important to provide on your website?

  • Products and delivery details in the correct currency
  • Time and dates written in the local format
  • Exchange rate information
  • Free giveaways for local customers


Lesson 8 Be noticed with search ads

1)Search engine marketing can also be called what?

  • Pay-per-click advertising
  • Organic advertising
  • Search box marketing
  • One-click advertising

2) In an SEM auction, your Quality Score is based on which aspect of your ad?

  • Bid
  • Relevance
  • Wit
  • Length

3)Fill in the blank: It’s possible to determine how well a/an ___________ will perform without bidding on it.

  • Auction
  • Website
  • Keyword
  • Advert

4)What should your search ad have in order to promote more clicks?

  • A call to action
  • A catchy headline
  • A close-up photo
  • A social media link

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