Google Digital Unlocked Lesson 13-16

Lesson 13 Deep Dive into Social Media


1)A robust social media plan includes which of the following?

  • A list of content that mimics competitor content
  • All of your online business goals
  • A long-term schedule identifying when to post content
  • A list of friends who can post on the accounts

2)What is the best way to put your social content in front of people who don’t already follow you?

  • Increase your email marketing campaigns
  • Ask people to share your content to their networks
  • Use paid promotion to reach new audiences
  • Put links to your social on your website

3)What can social media analytics tools help you measure when assessing campaign results?

  • Whether the campaign was more successful than your competitors
  • Whether the visitors liked the social campaigns or not
  • Whether a visitor called the store after seeing a social post
  • Whether the visitor clicked on a paid ad or organic listing

4)Which of the following is a pitfall when using social media for business?

  • 2-way conversation with customers
  • Not being present on every social media platform
  • Not having the resources to respond to comments and questions in a timely manner
  • Spending too much time reviewing social media analytics


Lesson 14 Discover the possibilities of mobile

1) When looking to ensure your website is easily accessible by mobile users, what should you focus on doing first?

  • Redesign your website colour scheme
  • Optimise your site
  • Create a mobile app
  • Shorten your website content

2) What does responsive design mean?

  • Your visitors can manually adjust the size of your website
  • Your website will adapt to suit whichever device it is being viewed on
  • Your customers can provide feedback on the design of your site
  • Your website will respond to clicks faster

3) When it comes to optimising your website’s SEO for mobile users, which of the following is a crucial factor to keep in mind?

  • Short content and fewer images
  • Performance and usability
  • Usability and short content
  • Less video content

4 )What can a business use to send messages to users who have already downloaded their app?

  • Text messages
  • Pull notifications
  • Push notifications
  • Email notifications

Lesson 15 Make mobile work for you


1)When considering how mobile users will search for your business, which types of keywords should you focus on?

  • Long tail keywords
  • Shorter keywords and phrases
  • Longer keywords and phrases
  • Exact match keywords

2)Before running search ads, you should make sure your site is mobile-friendly. Which scenario best describes a mobile-friendly experience for a customer?

  • The business has a mobile app instead of a website
  • The site include business phone numbers
  • The site works on different mobile devices
  • The site does not include any videos so it loads quickly

3)Which of the following can be used to target an audience when using some social media ads?

  • People’s names
  • People’s address
  • People’s pet names
  • People’s relationship status

4)When making video content for your display ads, what is most important to ensure?

  • Videos are entertaining, long and include a CTA
  • Videos are relevant, short and include a CTA
  • Videos are relevant, long and include a URL
  • Videos are short, informative and include a phone number


Lesson 16 Get started with content marketing

1) Which of the following is an accurate definition of what a content marketing campaign involves?

  • Creating and posting content ad-hoc when you have the time
  • The creation of time-sensitive content that can be published through various channels
  • Regularly emailing customers with news about a business’s products or services
  • The creation and promotion of online materials with the goal of increasing interest in a product or service

2) What does the following definition describe? ‘The division of an audience into groups of who they are and what they like, with a goal of identifying a group most interested in your product/service.’

  • Marketing channels
  • Demographics
  • Audience segmentation
  • Group dynamics

3)Fill in the blank: When describing the purpose of content, what is missing? ‘To entertain, to inspire, to _______ and to convince’.

  • Humour
  • Please
  • Surprise
  • Educate

4)Which of the following best describes why approaches to writing need to be adapted for online content?

  • Online readers have a reduced attention span, due to being flooded with information
  • Certain blogging platforms have a limit on the word count you can publish
  • Online readers only like to engage with long-form pieces of content
  • Online audiences are typically younger, so the language used needs to reflect this

5)What are ‘highlighting key dates’ and ‘considering multiple channels’ best practices of?

  • Creating a content calendar
  • Designing illustrations to support content
  • Segmenting your audience
  • Identifying social media influencers

6)Which of the following metrics could help you understand which blog post is resonating the most with your audience?

  • Session duration
  • Page views
  • Referral traffic
  • Unique page views


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