Google Digital Unlocked Lesson 17 - 22

Lesson 17 Connect through email


1)Which of the following will you need to start an email marketing programme?

  • A collection of email templates
  • A ‘Contact Us’ form
  • A way to collect people’s email addresses
  • A set budget

2)Which of the following is a common feature of email marketing platforms?

  • Personalised, custom templates
  • A free list of email addresses you can target
  • A feature allowing users to unsubscribe from your emails
  • Automation of your search ad campaigns

3)Which of these is a good practice to keep in mind when sending emails to your contacts?

  • Run an A/B test on your subject line to determine which one works best
  • Send the same generic and simple message to your entire contact database
  • Include enough content in the email so there is no need for them to click away to read further elsewhere
  • Only include a call to action on the landing page you’re linking to in the email

4)If the open rate of your emails seems low, which of the following could help you fix that?

  • Redesign your website
  • Change the colour of the buttons inside your email
  • Send your emails to more contacts
  • Adjust the subject line of your email

5)Which of the following statements is true when it comes to running email campaigns for a business?

  • There’s no need to use sponsored ads within your email marketing
  • There’s no need for analytics when it comes to email marketing
  • You need to include personal contact details
  • You can use any imagery, despite copyright


Lesson 18 Advertise on other websites

1)If you own a film blog, which type of customer can you expect to reach with display advertising?

  • People who use ad-blockers and are interested in your subject
  • People who haven’t read your blog before but are interested in your subject
  • Only people who have read your blog previously
  • Only people interested in films and movies

2) Fill in the blank: The ads on search engines are usually made up of ________.

  • Audio
  • Video
  • Text
  • Images

3)When using search engine marketing, where can your ads appear?

  • Only on search engines
  • Only on websites
  • On search engines and websites
  • On websites and social media

4) When setting up display advertising campaigns, who can you target?

  • People with specific names
  • People who speak different languages
  • People who already own specific products
  • People with a specific address


Google Digital Unlocked-Lesson 19 Deep dive into display advertising

1)In what way can display advertising be effective?

  • It guarantees more visitors to your site
  • It guarantees increased sales
  • It drives traffic to your website
  • It improves your ranking in search engines

2)Which of the following is an example of the type of data that advertising networks automatically collect and share with businesses?

  • The number of sales you make from the ad
  • The cost of each ad you publish
  • The cost of creating the ad
  • A prediction of sales you can make from your ad

3)Which of the following is true when purchasing ad placements on an advertising network?

  • You always need to contact the owner of the website to buy ads on their page
  • The network provides data on the click-through-rate
  • The network provides names of the people who click your ad
  • The network will continue to show your ad for 7 days once your budget has expired

4)If a person adds a product to a shopping basket but then leaves the website, which of the following tactics is most likely to encourage that person to return and purchase the product?

  • Retargeting with a display ad encouraging newsletter sign-up
  • Redesigning your website
  • Creating a Facebook page for your business
  • Retargeting with a display ad that has a discount coupon

5)What is the first step of display retargeting?

  • Sourcing keywords
  • Defining your audience
  • Writing content
  • Setting a call to action

Lesson 20 Make the most of video

1)When incorporating videos into a digital strategy, which of the following tactics provides value to customers?

  • Setting up live streams of the business’s physical shop on their website
  • Publishing a how-to video on their website
  • Producing sale campaign videos
  • Sharing personal vlogs

2)What can using video as part of your online presence help you create?

  • Content that will go viral
  • A channel to engage with customers
  • A variety of different brand perceptions
  • An online following and fanbase

3)Fill in the blank: As a small business, creating videos to showcase your business or product requires only ______.

  • An agency, professional crew and equipment
  • Creativity, lots of experience and a large budget
  • Creativity, planning and any budget
  • Creativity, planning and high-quality equipment

4)Using videos in email marketing and social media is an effective way to do what?

  • Increase word of mouth referrals
  • Engage and grow your audience
  • Guarantee sales of your product or service
  • Lower the cost of developing content

5)How can you take advantage of video for your product/services without actually making a video?

  • This isn’t possible
  • Advertise on other people’s videos
  • Use images with a call to action instead
  • Share other people’s videos

6)When looking at your video analytics, you discover people are only watching the first few seconds of your video. What should you do?

  • Consider removing the video from the platform
  • Consider re-shooting your video based on comments
  • Consider updating your preview images, video titles or descriptions
  • Consider asking people to watch the whole video in the description


Lesson 21 Get started with analytics

1) Fill in the blank: Website analytics can tell you _____________.

  • What time of day your website gets the most traffic
  • How many mentions or likes you get on social media
  • How well your competitor’s ad campaigns are doing
  • The email addresses of visitors to your landing pages

2)Analytics can give you immediate valuable information about which type of customers?

  • Previous and current customers
  • Current and future customers
  • Previous and future customers
  • Offline and online customers

3)If your key business goal is to get people to book rooms at your guesthouse, what data are you most likely to be interested in?

  • How long people spend on your ‘How To Find Us’ page
  • Which day of the week is most popular for bookings
  • Whether your funny Tweet goes viral
  • How many people visiting your site book a room with you


Lesson 22 Find success with analytics

1)Most web analytics tools can tell you what information about the user?

  • Their contact details, their behaviour and their operating system
  • Their location, type of device they’re using and pages visited
  • Their location, type of device they’re using and contact details
  • Their interests, when they delete their browser cookies and their location

2)Fill in the blank: If an ad is not performing well, one effective tactic is to _____________.

  • Try a different search engine
  • Tweak the ad’s copy and analyse the results
  • Hire a professional ad agency
  • Delete the ad and try again

3)Which section of Google Analytics can tell you whether visitors have found your website via social media?

  • Site search
  • Acquisition
  • Behaviour
  • Search Console

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