Google Digital Unlocked Lesson 23 - 26

Lesson 23 Turn data into insights

1) Which type of data relates to a metric that can be represented with a number?

  • Quantitative
  • Qualitative
  • Holistic
  • Customer

2)What makes the data cycle useful?

  • It helps you make the most of the data collected from marketing activities
  • It helps you evaluate your competition
  • It provides information about what users like about your website
  • It presents collected data in a visually appealing way

3)Fill in the blank: Actionable insights can be described as explaining the ______ of an online marketing campaign.

  • ‘Why’
  • ‘How’
  • ‘When’
  • ‘Who’

4)Which of the following is a benefit of using spreadsheets?

  • Vast quantities of data can be stored, sorted and analysed quickly
  • Data can only be accessed when all users are online
  • Valuable customer and market insights can be delivered quickly
  • Spreadsheets are the only way to collect data and extrapolate results

5)If you needed to showcase which parts of a website are being clicked on the most, which presentation type should you consider?

  • Bar chart
  • Pie chart
  • Table
  • Heat map


Lesson 24 Build your online shop

1)What would be beneficial to include on a product description page?

  • Previous versions of the product
  • Links to other suppliers
  • Reviews of the product
  • Price comparisons

2)Which of the following is an advantage of e-commerce?

  • More relaxed checkout procedure
  • Low operational costs
  • Minimal interaction required with the customer
  • Segmentation of audiences

3)To an owner or administrator, what is a functional benefit of having an online store?

  • It collects the addresses of your online store visitors
  • It provides a backend system with order management
  • It provides a quicker checkout process than a physical store
  • It allows you to feature more sales and discounts than a physical store

4)What is the name of the process that describes what happens when a customer is taken to a separate site to complete a transaction before being sent back to the original site again?

  • Second-party payment processing
  • Third-party payment processing
  • External payment processing
  • Internal payment processing

Lesson 25 Sell more online

1)Which of the following is a sign that customers are having trouble using a particular device to make purchases?

  • Analytics shows you have a lot of mobile visitors, but very few purchases through mobile
  • A specific product is not selling much compared to your other products
  • You get a lot of questions about your return policy
  • People are having trouble using a promo code for a current sale

2)What is an example of product merchandising?

  • Running an ad for your products
  • Adding a way for customers to filter your products
  • Displaying very specific, featured products on your home page
  • Cross-selling products in the checkout process

3) Which of the following statements is true when describing how retargeting ads work?

  • Retargeting ads are visible to people who haven’t been on your website yet
  • Once a user visits your site, the code drops an anonymous browser cookie
  • Once your customer purchases, you can not turn off the retargeting ad
  • Retargeting will always drive customers to your site

Lesson 26 Expand internationally

1)What is the best way to translate the content on your website for a new market?

  • Google translate
  • Native speakers
  • Translation software
  • Language guide

2)Before starting to promote products to other countries online, what could you use to gauge demand for your product in that specific market?

  • Translation software
  • Keyword planning tools
  • Interviews with people from that country
  • A range of search ads in different countries

3)When adapting your website for customers who speak a different language, what should you do?

  • Have a ‘translate’ button that pulls a translation from an external provider
  • Translate your content with consideration to particular words and phrases
  • Translate your content directly, word for word
  • Localise the name of the business owners

4)Which of the following is primarily meant to target new customers online?

  • Email marketing
  • Print advertising
  • Retargeting advertising
  • Search advertising

5)What should a business do first, when considering going into a new market?

  • Hire an agency to translate its website into the local language
  • Open a new office in the capital city
  • Determine its ability to deliver products and review all tax and legal information
  • Invest in major ad campaigns to raise brand awareness

6)When selling to people in different countries, what payment form should you consider using if you aren’t already?

  • Debit cards
  • Credit cards
  • Paypal or Worldpay
  • Bank transfers

7)Which of the following options is important to research when planning to expand delivery of products and services to customers across the globe?

  • What times of the day international shoppers are online
  • The legal and tax considerations in that market
  • Which social channels are popular in that market
  • Which couriers offer the cheapest services for global shipping

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